The price for accounting services is determined not only based on the number of accounting documents but also on the complexity of their processing. When preparing a quotation, we therefore take into consideration not only the number of book entries but, most importantly, the type of documents and the quality of the information provided by the customer.


Better the quality, more organised and transparent the documents handed over to us and the information related to the accounting agenda and more responsible the approach of the company executive or a responsible employee to answering open questions and providing missing documents, the better the quotation we can offer. With us, the customer can influence the price related to their book-keeping.

In order to make the organisation of open tasks transparent, we use software that tracks the duration of activities for the entire working time. The customer may be sure that they pay for the work that has actually been done and will be given the break-down of hours spent on a particular order when being billed.

The form of document handover is based on agreement between our office and the customer. We will also support customers who wish to hand documents over in the printed form in a folder.

However, as it is possible to digitize accounting nowadays, we recommend our customers to send their accounting documents electronically and, what is even more important, on a regular basis. Only when having documents sent on a regular basis, we can make entries in our client’s books in real time, thus also being able to provide related additional services of regular reporting.

Considering our modus operandi (having financial statements available regularly each month and solving current issues in accounting in real time on a monthly basis) there are usually not many open issues related to the closing of books at the end of year and preparing financial statements at the beginning of the new accounting year. We believe the old year is to be closed as soon as possible so that we can focus purely on the new one.

Yes, if setting up our cooperation so as to have our customer provided with daily reports, have invoices, bank statements and accounting documents sent every day and have on-line reporting set up in the PowerBI tool, our client gets on-line access to their figures.

As part of our work, we have a look at your internal processes – the process behind document approval, in what form documents come to you, who processes those, when can they be paid and the like.

Based on this knowledge we will be ready to train a new employee considering you are forced to replace a person responsible for communication with an external accounting company. We will make such an employee ready to work with documents and to decide on complicated internal processes related to document circulation.

We cooperate with several customers who wanted us to perform such activities for them. We have had the whole process of invoice approval in place and are thus also able to perform internet banking payments on behalf of our customer or we prepare such and order for invoice payment for them.

Based on our long-term experience related to outsourced accounting we are able to offer you the service of analysing internal processes. Analytical thinking, and interconnection of IT and business-related knowledge give us picture of how your departments are running. Our experience in the field of services, trading and production leads to ideas for changes or small steps in some cases that lead to substantial improvement.